Welcome Nathalie in Samata’s team as Pilate instructor and Personnal Trainer 👌🏻
Nathy decided to move to Phnom Penh this year, as she needed a big change in her private life.
🏃🏻♀️Personal Trainer for more than 25 years, she had her own Pilates Studio in Annecy, France (where she was leaving until then). She had been trained by one of Mr Pilates Student, Lolita San Miguel, and received her license by Pilates Institute in Geneva.
She is also trained in Sophrology, Reiki Master, Sweden Massage, Nutrition. 🥒
She was a fitness instructor in the 90’s and always keep herself up to date with the new sports techniques (Kettlebell, TRX, HIIT) during 2016 and 2017.
More classes will open at Sâmata with Nathalie. Keep follow our facebook page to stay updated:
– CAF (cuisse abdo fessiers) : 45 mn to work on the tonification of legs, abdominaux and buttocks
– Body Sculpt, full body training with weights
– Body Pump, higher level of full body training associated with cardio training
– Body Balance, full body training mix with Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi,
– HITT, High Intensity Interval Training, 17 mn High Intensity to develop cardio skills but also enable your body to lose weight
– Step ; come and enjoy the cardio training with the step
– Stretching, stretch all your body to feel better, exercise with your mobility and length in your muscles. 💪🏻
All those classes can be given either in English or French, or both at the same time.
As a dedicated instructor, Nathalie will conduct the class even with one student!
📞Telephone number : 8551565291
📩Email : bonpainnathalie@gmail.com